Dr Bohdana Korop

Bohdana Korop is a participant of the Lane Kirkland Scholarship Program in the academic year 2017/2018 and holds a research internship at the University of Warsaw under the supervision of prof. Andrzej Miszczuk. She received M.A. in international economics at the Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economic of KNUTE (Ukraine). In 2007 she started working as an assistant, in 2014 – as senior lecturer at CITE KNUTE. In 2013 she defended her PHD thesis, supervised by Prof. Ihor Shkola, on the topic “Cross-border cooperation as an implementing factor of European integration strategy of Ukraine” at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Her research interests include cross-border cooperation, development of border regions. In the years 2007-2017, Bohdana has participated in research projects of CITE KNUTE, in particular – “Scenario forecasting of socio-economic development of cross-border regions in the conditions of civilization changes”. From October 2016, she was the co-chairman of the Scientific Society of Young Scientists and Students of CITE KNUTE.
• Kyfiak V., Luchyk V., Koroliuk Yu., Luchyk S., Losheniuk I., Luchyk M., Korop B., Grygorenko V., Kyfiak O., Slusarciuc M., Moroșan Dănilă L., Năstase C. Forecasting of cross-border regions development: scenario approach / team of authors edited by Kyfiak Vasyl, Carmen Nastase – Suceava: Publishing House Editura Universitatii 2017. –197 p.
• Verstyak O., Korop B. (2015) Ukraine's EU integration and the role of the cross-border regions in this process. Practice and research in
private and public sector, Vilnus: Mykolas Romeris University, pp. 18-19. Available at:http://prpps.mruni.eu/wpcontent/uploads/2012/11/PRPPS-20156.pdf
• Verstyak O., Korop B. Modem approaches to the formation of socio-economic development of border areas. Formation strategy of economic structures: the tools and practices: [сollective monograph] / edited by A. Berezin, M. Bezpartochnyi. – Riga: «Landmark» SIA. – 2016. – pp. 91-101.
• Короп Б. Н. Трансграничное сотрудничество как инструмент достижения Целей развития тысячелетия ООН (на примере Черновицкой области). Научно-практический журнал Потребительская кооперация ; Белорусский торгово-экономический университет потребительской кооперации. – 2013. – №3(42). – С.41 – 47.