
Data review and mapping of Cohesion Policy implementation and performance
Authors: Gorzelak Grzegorz, Hryniewicz Janusz, Kozak Marek, Płoszaj Adam, Rok Jakub, Smętkowski Maciej
Publication type: report, evaluation or working paper
Full citation: Gorzelak Grzegorz, Hryniewicz Janusz, Kozak Marek, Płoszaj Adam, Rok Jakub, Smętkowski Maciej (2017) Data review and mapping of Cohesion Policy implementation and performance. COHESIFY RESEARCH PAPER 7.
The aim of the report is to review the available data of cohesion policy implementation and performance and to conduct analysis on spatial differentiation patterns at the regional level. The report consists of two parts. The first part reviews existing data sources and assesses the spatial and thematic coverage and quality of the data. The second part is focused on analysis and mapping of cohesion policy implementation and performance in terms of: the scale and structure of cohesion policy allocations and spending by regions; the implementation and delivery systems; implementation effectiveness; and policy effectiveness.
Published as a result of project:
COHESIFY: The Impact of Cohesion Policy on EU Identification (2016-2018)