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Practice-based research in the Social Sciences & Humanities: A bibliometric analysis

Publication type: journal articles
Full citation: Lewandowska Kamila (2024) Practice-based research in the Social Sciences & Humanities: A bibliometric analysis. Iberoamerican Journal of Science Measurement and Communication, 4(3), pp. 1-16.
DOI: 10.47909/ijsmc.134
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Practice-based research (PBR) has emerged as a promising alternative to traditional models of academia–practice collaborations, aiming to integrate scientific inquiry with practical interventions. However, the lack of a comprehensive, cross-disciplinary understanding of PBR has obstructed its recognition and led to inadequate evaluation frameworks. To address this gap, this study conducted a bibliometric analysis across the Social Sciences and Humanities disciplines to explore trends in PBR adoption and publication. Analyzing 3,417 documents from the Web of Science, it examined PBR research trends and utilized bibliometric mapping to identify thematic research clusters and historical evolution patterns. The findings revealed a growing interest in PBR, likely influenced by a focus on societal impact and educational reforms, such as the integration of vocational education into academic structures. It emphasized the need for cross-disciplinary exploration of PBR, shedding light on its diverse approaches and providing a systematic, data-driven perspective beyond theoretical frameworks.