Stakeholders’ perception of Cohesion Policy implementation and performance: dimensions, determinants and outcomes. COHESIFY RESEARCH PAPER 10
The primary aim of this research paper is to offer a multidimensional assessment of the implementation and performance of the Cohesion Policy by its regional stakeholders. This is accomplished by fulfilling three specific objectives. Firstly, the paper identifies the main dimensions of differences in the stakeholders’ opinions concerning the Cohesion Policy. In particular, it investigates the correlation between the stakeholders’ opinions about the Cohesion Policy implementation and performance, operational programme management and application of the partnership principle. Secondly, it explores the reasons behind these opinions, notably the potential impact of the scale and structure of the allocation of the Cohesion Policy funds, the significance of the reported Cohesion Policy effects, the dynamics of economic growth and the degree of decentralisation of the Cohesion Policy implementation structures. Thirdly, based on the opinions expressed by the stakeholders, the study defines the conditions which are conducive to a positive impact of the Cohesion Policy on the resident’s opinions about the European Union. The factors comprised by the analysis include those associated with the stakeholders’ opinions about the implementation and performance of the Cohesion Policy and those based on the statistics capturing the nature of the Cohesion Policy intervention and its effects.