ESPON SUPER: Sustainable Urbanization & land-use Practices in European Regions
Time period: 2019-2020
EUROREG research team: Dorota Celińska-Janowicz, Magda Grabowska, Adam Płoszaj, Katarzyna Wojnar, Monika Wolska
In cooperation with: Austrian Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Planning (OIR) (Vienna, Austria), Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) (Bonn, Germany), Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) (The Hague, Netherlands), Politecnico di Torino (Polito) (Turin, Italy), University of Valencia (Valencia, Spain), Urbanex (Zagreb, Croatia)
The aim of the project is to provide evidence, recommendations, and measures on how sustainable land use can be promoted and how land-take [i.e. conversion of rural to urban land use or urbanization] and urban sprawl [i.e. unsustainable urbanization] can be avoided, reduced and compensated in Europe, its cities and regions.
The project's acronym - SUPER - stands for the characteristics of the research approach:
- Sustainable (temporal balance vs thematic balance);
- Urbanization and land use (understanding drivers of change);
- Practices (land-use decision-making, effectiveness of planning);
- in European Regions (territory matters, regional approach).
The main project's tasks are:
- Evidence and maps of land-use dynamics, specifically urbanization patterns;
- Evidence on the impacts of different kinds of urbanization;
- Evidence on the impacts of interventions to influence urbanization;
- Case studies on intervention practices in urbanization hotspots;
- A handbook to promote sustainable urbanization and land use;
- Recommendations for EU policies for promoting sustainable land use.