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Practice-based research: Closing the gap between research and practice

Time period: 2023-2024
Financing: Excellence Initiative – Research University (IDUB)

This project focuses on practice-based research (PBR) – a form of research which is grounded in, informed by, and intended to improve professional practice. In recent two decades, there has been a growing interest in PBR in various and seemingly distinct fields of research activity, such as public health, social work, education, or the creative arts. Many studies have emphasized that by making research more relevant to the practice settings (such as clinical centres, schools, worksites, etc.), we can better address real-world problems and current societal needs. The potential of PBR, which is conducted in practice and community centres and in collaboration with practitioners and communities rather than by academics alone, lies in its capacity to address global problems by increasing local relevance of scientific research.

At the same time, while the potential of PBR has been highlighted in several studies, we know little about to what extent PBR has been actually used, how it has been used and in which research fields. The aim of this research project is to address this knowledge gap by mapping practice-based research and exploring its current landscape across different fields of science. Furthermore, the aim of the project is to increase the understanding of what PBR is by providing a systematic analysis of its main characteristics (e.g. what methods and data types are used in PBR).

The aims of this project will be addressed using a scientometric analysis – commonly defined as a “quantitative study of science” – and a scoping review – a method typically used in exploratory research to synthesize the current state of knowledge and identify characteristics related to the concept at hand.

By focusing on the ways to make scientific developments more relevant to real-world problems and global challenges, the expected results from this project will have practical implications. The research findings will not only increase scientific knowledge relevant to different research fields but also contribute to the improvement of professional practice and, in turn, help better address current societal needs.