RoSa: The role of local government in the adaptation of firms and employees to global and regional economic trends
“The role of local government in the adaptation of firms and employees to global and regional economic trends”, a research and implementation project co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, Human Capital Operational Programme , Priority VIII ”Regional human resources”, Measure 8.1 “Development of staff and enterprises in the region”, Sub-measure 8.1.2 “Support for adaptation and modernization processes in the region” is carried out by MGG Conferences Ltd. in the period from 1 January 2014 to 30 June 2015.
The project is dedicated to local governments from Mazowieckie region and refers to economic changes (including those associated with the development of ICT) and ability of firms and employees in the region to adapt to these changes. The main objectives of the research part include a diagnosis of developmental trends and forecast of economic changes taking place in the Mazowieckie region in relation to the development and use of new technologies (ICT), as well as identification of potential areas requiring support from the local government.
The project encompasses an extensive analysis of:
- Adaptability of enterprises in Mazowieckie region and its determinants, including key factors for effective response to socio-economic change and making use of/following the most important trends related to the dissemination of information and communication technologies;
- The situation of workers and labour market transitions, including changes in the demand for competencies in Mazowieckie region, related to the development and growing application of ICT in business operations;
- Direct actions and the potential of local governments to support businesses and individuals in the labour market in their endeavours to adapt to socio-economic and market trends.
The project is carried out in an international partnership between the leader – MGG Conferences Ltd. and its partners: Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw (ICM / UW) , Spatial Foresight GmbH (Luxembourg), Spatial Foresight Germany GmbH (Germany), Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain).
The research team is led by the well-known sociologist, Dr. Dominik Batorski, the author of a Social Diagnosis survey part devoted to the use of new technologies and an expert in the field of study of the conditions and consequences of the use of computers and the Internet, as well as social changes associated with the dissemination of information and communication technologies.
Research result will be presented in a series of report concerning: adaptability of enterprises and its determinants , changes in the labour market, reactions of local governments to economic change and tools to support the adaptability of local economy and labour market.
An important goal of the project is to disseminate research results through conferences and seminars, as well as to help local governments implement recommendations and tools to support the adaptability of local enterprises and labour market. These recommendations will be based on good practices implemented by local governments in EU.