Dr Justyna Orchowska

Justyna Orchowska holds a PhD in social sciences in the discipline of sociology, having graduated from the Faculty of Sociology at the University of Warsaw. In her doctoral thesis, defended in 2021, she investigated how inhabitants from different social classes respond to limited access to public services. The dissertation earned distinction in the Warsaw Mayor’s Award for theses on the development of Warsaw. Based on this work, Orchowska authored the monograph titled „Białe Plamy. Mieszkańcy Warszawy o usługach publicznych” (White Spots. Residents of Warsaw on Public Services, 2022), which received recognition in the competition of the Section of Urban Sociology of the Polish Sociological Association. Dr. Orchowska has assumed the roles of principal investigator and team member in projects funded by the Polish National Science Centre, University of Warsaw, and the ESPON program. She has also taken part in several expertise and evaluation studies commissioned by the European Parliament, the City of Warsaw, and various non-governmental organizations. She served as a visiting researcher at Charles University in Prague in 2020, the Zagreb University in 2019, and the University of Strasbourg in 2022. She is a member of the Polish and European Sociological Associations, and of the International Network on Urban Research and Action and European Network for Housing Research. Since 2014, she has been actively involved in urban activism.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8207-8490

- Łukianow Małgorzata, Orchowska Justyna (2023) Czym jest dobry pamiętnik, czyli wyzwania etyczne i metodologiczne w projekcie „Pamiętniki Pandemii”, Studia Socjologiczne, 3 (250), ss. 59–82
- Orchowska Justyna (2023) Theorizing Urban Movements in Pierre Bourdieu’s Terms—the Example of Warsaw, Poland. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society 35(4).
- Smętkowski Maciej, Kniazevych Anna, Olechnicka Agnieszka, Orchowska Justyna, Przekop-Wiszniewska Ewelina (2023) Research for REGI Committee: Cooperation between EU cities and regions with their Ukrainian partners. Brussels: Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies Directorate-General for Internal Policies.
- Głowacka Maja, Helak Monika, Łukianow Małgorzata, Mazzini Mateusz, Orchowska Justyna (2022) Pamiętniki pandemii. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej, ss. 356.
- Kubisa Julia, Lewicki Mikołaj, Kościńska (Orchowska) Justyna, Rakowska Katarzyna, Tuszko Feliks (2022) (Nie)zgoda na przekraczanie granic. Badania przemocy i dyskryminacji w społeczności Akademii Teatralnej im. Aleksandra Zelwerowicza w Warszawie. Warszawa: Akademia Teatralna im. Aleksandra Zelwerowicza w Warszawie.
- Orchowska Justyna (2022) „W ogóle autobusu nie widać”. Życie na obszarach wykluczenia transportowego. Studia Regionalne i Lokalne 2(88), ss. 108-121.
- Orchowska Justyna (2022) Białe plamy. Mieszkańcy Warszawy o usługach publicznych. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, ss. 271.
- Orchowska Justyna (2024) STRUGGLING FOR URBAN SPACE: Examining Social Distinctions between Long-Term Residents and Newcomers in Warsaw's Districts. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research