Dr Michał Czepkiewicz

A geographer graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Ph.D. in Earth Sciences). His academic interests concern the relationships between the built environment, mobility, lifestyles, wellbeing and greenhouse gas emissions. In 2021-2025, he led a research project on “Travel behavior in Polish cities: causality, behavioral changes, and climate impacts” at the Faculty of Sociology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, funded by Poland’s National Science Centre. In 2017-2021, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Iceland where he participated in several research projects funded by Skipulagsstofnun, Vegagerðin and Rannís. In previous projects at AMU, he developed map-based and online methods to support public participation in urban planning and evaluation of urban livability. He also run several applied projects supporting local governments, NGOs, and research institutions in Poland (including Warsaw, Poznań, and Metropolis GZM) in applying participatory mapping, GIS, and accessibility measures in urban planning and geographical research. In 2013-2014 he received a Fulbright Junior Advanced Research scholarship at San Diego State University (USA). In 2014, he was a visiting doctoral researcher at Aalto University (Finland). He authored over 30 peer-reviewed academic publications, and multiple popular science articles and policy reports. He has also been involved in informal education on climate change mitigation and climate justice. He is a founding member of Degrowth Poland and Social-Ecological Approaches to Mobility (SEAM) networks, and advisory board member at AMU Research Centre for Energy and Environmental Challenges.
ORCID: 0000-0001-7079-1723

- Raudsepp Johanna, Thorbjörnsson Kayla M., Hasanzadeh Kamyar, Czepkiewicz Michał, Árnadóttir Áróra, Heinonen Jukka (2025) Activity spaces and leisure travel emissions: A case study in Reykjavík, Iceland. Travel Behaviour and Society, 38, 100896.
- Czepkiewicz Michał, Schmidt Filip, Krysiński Dawid, Brudka Cezary (2024) Satisfying transport needs with low carbon emissions: Exploring individual, social, and built environmental factors. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 114, 102196.
- Raudsepp Johanna, Hasanzadeh Kamyar, Árnadóttir Áróra, Heinonen Jukka, Czepkiewicz Michał (2024) Does Higher Exposure to Green Spaces Lead to Higher Life Satisfaction and Less Leisure Travel? A Case Study of Reykjavík, Iceland. Urban Sci, 8, 236.
- Raudsepp Johanna, Czepkiewicz Michał, Heinonen Jukka, Árnadóttir Áróra (2024) Travel footprints in the Nordics. Environmental Research Communications, 6(9), 095002.