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Dr Zofia Smolarska

Position: Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise: cultural management, culture and sustainability, artistic crafts, qualitative methods, research on creative and production processes in the arts, artistic research, science evaluation, publication ethics
Involvement in EUROREG's research projects [see more]
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Academic Profile 

Zofia Smolarska holds PhD in humanities (2020: Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences) and Master of Arts (2014: Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw). Author of the books Rimini Protokoll. Blind Alleys of Participatory Theatre (2017) and Ecologies of Theatre. A Relational Analysis of Theatre Institutions from the Perspective of Theatre Craftspeople (in press), as well as numerous reviewed and popular-scientific articles on, among other topics, participatory methods of art creation, ecological aspects of culture, and cultural management. She has conducted research as part of grants from the National Centre for Culture, the National Science Centre, the Institute of Music and Dance, the Visegrad Fund, and at the request of the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw. As an expert, she has worked for the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. She is a laureate of the award for distinguished graduates of the Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art, as well as of the main prize in the competition for the best master’s thesis in the field of theatre, spectacle, and performance studies, awarded by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw. Scholarship holder of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna. She is actively involved in promoting knowledge about the role of cultural institutions and cultural workers in preventing climate change, collaborating with, among others, the Art Factory in Łódź and the Chorea Theatre. Vice-President of the Board of the Polish Society for Theatre Research from 2016 to 2020. As an assistant director and dramaturg, she has worked with: Rimini Protokoll, Edit Kaldor, Erling Johannesson, and Igor Gorzkowski. She has realized her own socio-artistic projects, including as part of the scholarship from the City of Warsaw.

Member of the Science Studies Laboratory.

ORCID: 0000-0002-2144-3690


Involvement in EUROREG's research projects