Kwartalnik wydawany jest wyłącznie w wersji elektronicznej w formule pełnego otwartego dostępu.
Spis treści numeru specjalnego:
Maryana Melnyk, Iryna Leshchukh, Uliana Ivaniuk The Risks and Opportunities of Forming a Specific Business Environment in Ukraine in the Conditions of War
Olena Stryzhak The Features of Regional Human Capital Development
Khrystyna Prytula, Anna Maksymenko, Nataliia Popovych, Halyna Ivasyk Integrating the Ukrainian Garment Industry into Global Value Chains: National and Regional Dimensions
Yurii Umantsiv, Pavlo Dziuba, Yuliya Yasko, Maryna Shtan, Halyna Umantsiv The Regulatory Determinants of Economic Growth under Pandemic Challenges: Regional Cluster Issues and Patterns
Lesya Korolchuk A Conceptual Approach to the Development of the Cross-Border Model of Sustainable Development of Regions in Times of War
Lіubov G. Kvasnii, Olena V. Moravska, Oksana Soltysik, Yurii O. Shulzhyk, Oresta Ya. Shcherban, Stah O. Vovk Eco-Industrial Parks of the Lviv Region as a Factor of the Inclusive Development of the Western Region of Ukraine
Olena Pobihun, Liudmyla Arkhypova, Yaroslava Korobeinykova, Sofiia Kachala, Victoria Hryniuk An Analysis of Tourists’ Use and Assessment of Tourist Infrastructure in the Ivano-Frankivsk and Transcarpathian Regions of Ukraine
Inna Mylko, Olena Nahornova, Serhii Ozhema Museums and Open-Air Museums in the Implementation of Cultural and Ethnic Tourism in Ukraine
Halyna Zavarika, Olena Zelenko An Analysis of the Features of the Organisation of Tourist Activities in the Conditions of the War in Ukraine
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