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Publikacje w języku angielskim
- Herbst Mikołaj, Pechcińska Agnieszka, Hagemejer Jan, Artymowska Patrycja (2024) Spa(tia) – a diffusion-oriented method of territorial impact assessment. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal.
- Olechnicka Agnieszka, Płoszaj Adam, Celińska-Janowicz Dorota (2024) Geography of Scientific Collaboration – From the Perspective of 2021. Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 56(1).
- Olechnicka Agnieszka, Płoszaj Adam, Zegler-Poleska Ewa (2024) The impact of the virtualization of scholarly conferences on the gender structure of conference contributors. Scientometrics.
- Brunotte Tomas, Jaekel Martin, Lewandowska Kamila, Ochsner Michael (2024) Reforming Assessment of Applied/Practice-Based Research. Die Neue Hochschule, 2024(4), pp. 16–19.
- Olechnicka Agnieszka, Płoszaj Adam, Zegler-Poleska Ewa (2024) Virtual academic conferencing: a scoping review of 1984–2021 literature. Novel modalities vs. long standing challenges in scholarly communication. Iberoamerican Journal of Science Measurement and Communication, 4(1), pp. 1–31.
- Kupiec Tomasz, Wrońska Zuzanna (2024) Motivation to Adopt Evaluation Practice as a Determinant of Evaluation Use. American Journal of Evaluation.
- Celinska-Janowicz Dorota, Dolega Les (2024) Understanding Shifts in Polish Consumers’ Shopping Behavior Before, During, and After the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 25(4), 242-269
- Dotti Nicola Francesco, Colnot Louis, Walczyk Julia, Kupiec Tomasz, Pellegrin Julie (2024) Triggering policy learning via formal EU evaluation requirements in the case of Cohesion Policy. European Policy Analysis.
- Herbst Mikołaj, Hrynevych Liliia (2023) Wartime and postwar education in Ukraine. European Journal of Education, 58(4), pp. 533–537.
- Herbst Mikołaj, Sitek Michał (2023) Education in exile: Ukrainian refugee students in the schooling system in Poland following the Russian–Ukrainian war. European Journal of Education, 58(4), pp. 575–594.
- Hryniewicz Janusz (2023) The Cultural Impacts of Economic and Public Administration Reforms in Poland: Continuity or Change in the Cultural Potential for Economic Development since 1990. Polish Sociological Review 4(224), pp. 463-482.
- Kupiec Tomasz, Celińska-Janowicz Dorota, Pattyn Valérie (2023) Understanding evaluation use from an organisational perspective: A review of the literature and a research agenda. Evaluation, 13563890231185164.
- Lewandowska Kamila, Ochsner Michael, Kulczycki Emanuel (2023) Research quality criteria in the Creative Arts, Studies in Higher Education.
- Micek Grzegorz, Małochleb Karolina, Wojnar Katarzyna, Smętkowski Maciej (2023) The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Coworking Spaces in Poland [in:] European Narratives on Remote Working and Coworking During the COVID-19 Pandemic. A Multidisciplinary Perspective, Cham: Springer, pp. 78-82.
- Smętkowski Maciej, Kniazevych Anna, Olechnicka Agnieszka, Orchowska Justyna, Przekop-Wiszniewska Ewelina (2023) Research for REGI Committee: Cooperation between EU cities and regions with their Ukrainian partners. Brussels: Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies Directorate-General for Internal Policies.
- Herbst Mikołaj (2023) Norms in action? On the channels through which Poland’s historical partitions may still contribute to divergent educational achievements in the country’s regions. PLOS ONE, 18(8), e0289686.
- Herbst Mikołaj, Sobotka, Aneta Wójcik Piotr (2023). The effect of peer group stability on achievements: Evidence from Poland. European Journal of Education, 58, pp. 166–180.
- Herbst Mikołaj, Zając Tomasz (2023) Towards a better understanding of self-selection to teacher training programmes: A case study of a renowned public university in Poland. Central European Economic Journal, 10(57), pp. 371-390
- Hryniewicz Janusz (2023) The impact of processes of long duration on the cultural potential for economic development in the peripheries of the European Union. Studies into the History of Russia and Central-Eastern Europe, vol. 58. Special Issue, pp. 185 – 214.
- Lewandowska Kamila, Węziak-Białowolska Dorota (2023) The Effects of Arts-Based Learning on Individual Well-Being and Organisational Change. Education of Economists and Managers, 67(1), pp. 45–57.