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Rozwój miast a wybrane rozwiązania prawne i kwestie kulturowe
Autor: Kozak Marek
Typ publikacji: rozdział w publikacji zwartej
Opis bibliograficzny: Kozak Marek (2017) Rozwój miast a wybrane rozwiązania prawne i kwestie kulturowe [w:] J. Szlachta, P. Legutko-Kobus (red.) Wyzwania dla polityki rozwoju regionalnego, tom CLXXVIII, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo KPZK PAN, Warszawa, ss. 54-71.
Nowadays, the issue of urban development belongs to key elements of development in general. Urban development is a multifaceted phenomenon (covering economic, social, administrative, promotional, ecological and a number of other aspects). They are too numerous to discuss them in one short article. For this reason this paper is dedicated only to the phenomena regulated by law: physical planning, suburbanization (initially called urban sprawl), monument conservation and – additionally – culture (as a factor influencing the legal regulations). The key hypothesis is that developers are not the only o