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Sport mega events in metropolitan areas. Curse or blessing for tourism development? Example of EURO 2012 in Poland.
Autor: Kozak Marek
Typ publikacji: rozdział w publikacji zwartej
Opis bibliograficzny: Kozak Marek (2015) Sport mega events in metropolitan areas. Curse or blessing for tourism development? Example of EURO 2012 in Poland [in:] Tozsa Istvan, Zatori Anita (eds.) Metropolitan Tourism Experience Development. Budapest: Corvinus University, Dept of Economic Geography and Future Studies, pp.114-126.
The article assesses the influence of EURO 2012 (European football championships) on tourism development in Poland.1 Using statistical data and research studies on the topic, it locates the analysis on the background of international research and uses comparison of EURO 2012 four host destinations with two non-host destinations and national average. The analysis presented leads to the conclusion that EURO 2012 - against sport boosters’ opinions - did not contribute to various aspects of tourism development. Results were often better in non-host destinations in Poland.