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Publikacje autora Kamila Lewandowska
- Lewandowska Kamila, Bojnarowicz Mikołaj (2025) Practice-based educational and theatre research: A scoping review. British Educational Research Journal, 00, 1–30.
- Lewandowska Kamila (2024) Practice-based research in the Social Sciences & Humanities: A bibliometric analysis. Iberoamerican Journal of Science Measurement and Communication, 4(3), pp. 1-16.
- Brunotte Tomas, Jaekel Martin, Lewandowska Kamila, Ochsner Michael (2024) Reforming Assessment of Applied/Practice-Based Research. Die Neue Hochschule, 2024(4), pp. 16–19.
- Lewandowska Kamila, Ochsner Michael, Kulczycki Emanuel (2023) Research quality criteria in the Creative Arts, Studies in Higher Education.
- Lewandowska Kamila, Węziak-Białowolska Dorota (2023) The Effects of Arts-Based Learning on Individual Well-Being and Organisational Change. Education of Economists and Managers, 67(1), pp. 45–57.