Territorial Dimension of Development: Poland from ESPON researches perspective
The Conference "Territorial Dimension of Development: Poland from ESPON researches perspective" was held on November 27, 2012 in Warsaw. It was organized by the EUROREG, University of Warsaw - ESPON Polish Contact Point.
The first conference aim was to provide opportunities to share results of projects TERCO (European Territorial Cooperation as a Factor of Growth, Jobs and Quality of Life) and ULYSSES (Using applied research results from ESPON as a yardstick for cross-border spatial development planning). Secondly, members of Polish research teams participating in various ESPON projects were discussing research findings in different areas (good governance, urban development, transport infrastructure) and their implications for development processes and policies in Poland.
Conference presentations (in Polish):
- Pani Magdalena Zagrzejewska-Fiedorowicz. Wyzwania rozwoju terytorialnego
- Pani Ewa Kurjata. ULYSSES
- dr hab. Katarzyna Zawalińska. TERCO
- dr Mirosław Grochowski. Dobre Rządzenie
- dr Mariusz Kowalski. Atrakcyjność regionów i miast
- dr Maciej Smętkowski. Miasta jako bieguny rozwoju
- dr hab. Tomasz Komornicki. Infrastruktura transportowa