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- Lewandowska Kamila, Bojnarowicz Mikołaj (2025) Practice-based educational and theatre research: A scoping review. British Educational Research Journal, 00, 1–30.
- Majewski Jakub, Malepszak Piotr (2025) Poland's Path to High-Speed Rail – Analysis of Challenges and Development Prospects, Transportation Overview, 3-4(2025), pp. 18-21.
- Samek-Lodovici Manuela, Loi Daniela, …, Kupiec Tomasz, Przekop-Wiszniewska Ewelina, …, Ranta Tommi (2025) Research for REGI committee – Exploring Strategies for Using Cohesion Funds to Address Social and Economic Challenges in the EU. Brussels: European Parliament, Policy Department for Regional Development, Agriculture and Fisheries (DG CASP).
- Cologna Viktoria, Mede Niels G., ..., Płoszaj Adam, …, Zegler-Poleska Ewa, Zenklusen Amber, Zwaan Rolf A. (2025) Trust in scientists and their role in society across 68 countries. Nature Human Behaviour, pp. 1–18.
- Feiertaga Patricia, Szmigiel-Rawska Katarzyna, Zimmermann Karsten (2025) Political interest mediation at the local level as a factor explaining land take. The case of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.
- Majewski Jakub, Malepszak Piotr (2025) Polska droga do kolei dużych prędkości – analiza wyzwań i perspektyw rozwoju, Przegląd Komunikacyjny, 3-4(2025), ss. 18-21.
- Mede Niels G., Cologna Viktoria, ..., Płoszaj Adam, …, Zegler-Poleska Ewa, Zenklusen Amber, Zwaan Rolf A. (2025). Perceptions of science, science communication, and climate change attitudes in 68 countries – the TISP dataset. Scientific Data, 12(1), 114.
- Raudsepp Johanna, Thorbjörnsson Kayla M., Hasanzadeh Kamyar, Czepkiewicz Michał, Árnadóttir Áróra, Heinonen Jukka (2025) Activity spaces and leisure travel emissions: A case study in Reykjavík, Iceland. Travel Behaviour and Society, 38, 100896.
- Płoszaj Adam (2025) Individual-level determinants of international academic mobility: insights from a survey of Polish scholars. Scientometrics
- Szul Roman (2024) Separatyzmy, ruchy niepodległościowe i regionalizmy we współczesnej Europie. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Scholar, Warszawa 2024, ss. 320.
- Herbst Mikołaj, Pechcińska Agnieszka, Hagemejer Jan, Artymowska Patrycja (2024) Spa(tia) – a diffusion-oriented method of territorial impact assessment. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal.
- Lewandowska Kamila (2024) Practice-based research in the Social Sciences & Humanities: A bibliometric analysis. Iberoamerican Journal of Science Measurement and Communication, 4(3), pp. 1-16.
- Olechnicka Agnieszka, Płoszaj Adam, Celińska-Janowicz Dorota (2024) Geography of Scientific Collaboration – From the Perspective of 2021. Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 56(1).
- Olechnicka Agnieszka, Płoszaj Adam, Zegler-Poleska Ewa (2024) The impact of the virtualization of scholarly conferences on the gender structure of conference contributors. Scientometrics.
- Raudsepp Johanna, Hasanzadeh Kamyar, Árnadóttir Áróra, Heinonen Jukka, Czepkiewicz Michał (2024) Does Higher Exposure to Green Spaces Lead to Higher Life Satisfaction and Less Leisure Travel? A Case Study of Reykjavík, Iceland. Urban Sci, 8, 236.
- Raudsepp Johanna, Czepkiewicz Michał, Heinonen Jukka, Árnadóttir Áróra (2024) Travel footprints in the Nordics. Environmental Research Communications, 6(9), 095002.
- Brunotte Tomas, Jaekel Martin, Lewandowska Kamila, Ochsner Michael (2024) Reforming Assessment of Applied/Practice-Based Research. Die Neue Hochschule, 2024(4), pp. 16–19.
- Czepkiewicz Michał, Schmidt Filip, Krysiński Dawid, Brudka Cezary (2024) Satisfying transport needs with low carbon emissions: Exploring individual, social, and built environmental factors. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 114, 102196.
- Olechnicka Agnieszka, Kniazevych Anna O. (2024) Стратегії релокації українських high-tech підприємств під час війни, Проблеми економіки 2(60), pp. 158-156.