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Prof. dr hab. Janusz Hryniewicz

Position: Full professor
Phone: (+48) 22 826 16 54
Areas of Expertise: sociology
Publications [see more]
Involvement in EUROREG's research projects [see more]
Academic Profile 

Janusz Hryniewicz is a professor of sociology, specializing in sociology of organization, economical sociology, political studies and local development. Former director of Institute of Americas and Europe (2012-2016). Had conducted research on: class structure, regional and local development and industrial relations. Contemporary his research are concentrated around knowledge based economy, cultural aspects of economical changes, and global political relations. Has published (as author and editor) 12 books and over 200 articles and chapters. Member of Polish Sociological Society and Regional Studies Association.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7539-2331

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